Hi! My name is


I help my clients achieve greatness in their careers while creating deep meaningful connection with their most significant relationship- their partner.

While my professional experience has given me the tools (or the ‘how”) to achieve extraordinary work/life balance, my personal life and my family is my “why.” Because I didn’t know then what I know now, I spend half my nights, weekends, and holidays without my two favorite people- my sons Will and Luke.

It was my divorce from their dad that revealed the importance of honoring the evolving needs of driven women in relationships. That experience alone has helped hundreds of couples redefine their relationships in the context of “role reversal.”

Ironically, it was the relationship after my divorce that inspired me to begin addressing the marriage/spouse in my business coaching. I was with the man of my dreams whose ambition matched mine. We understood one another deeply and I found total relief in being able to embrace a more feminine role with him… until I crossed so far into the “supportive partner” role I completely lost myself.

As I began connecting with other partners of entrepreneurs, I realized I was not alone. Losing our identity to the gravitational pull of “their” business was a real challenge- and no one was addressing it.

That’s when I created The Entreprenewer. It’s a revolutionary approach that modifies the business tools and concepts and gears it towards couples. It’s done in a safe environment that gives both parties neutral territory to explore new personal frontiers. I love this work and the opportunity to shine a light on the aspects of our partner that get lost in day-to-day life.

My ideal clients are successful entrepreneurs who have thriving businesses but need support integrating this success with their personal relationships.

My clients shift, grow, and express a new way of being in the world. They achieve greatness in their careers while creating deep meaningful connection with their most significant relationship- their partner.




This is where I got my start in the coaching industry. Here, I worked with successful entrepreneurs to implement the concepts and strategies taught by Dan Sullivan. The concept of “work less, make more” was a foundational lifestyle I helped my clients achieve.


Based on the book by Matthew Kelly, I became the first ever full-time dream manager certified and placed by Matthew Kelly himself. As a dream manager, I worked with employees of an entrepreneurial company to help them create more fulfilling personal lives. This experience helped me bridge the gap between the entrepreneurial mindset and the employee mindset.


I facilitated what is known as the most comprehensive program in personal development. Once a month, every month, for three years, I led elite entrepreneurs and their partners through this four day program. Spending this much time behind closed doors with such powerful couples taught me lifetimes of challenges and strategies these power couples experienced and overcame.


Since 2004, Kolbe has been my performance index of choice to use with my coaching.


Fluent in this ancient index, I use this tool to help couples understand themselves and one another on a deeper level.


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