Greetings love,
Each week a common theme emerges in my coaching. Often, I find myself responding to similar questions from most of my clients. I figured if it’s happening in my client base, there’s a good chance its happening in the broader community as well. So, each week, I’ll be sharing these themes & resources with you. This week…
May I wish on your behalf?
The theme this week has been weight. Weight as in a heaviness…some feel it on their shoulders, some feel it in the heart, some feel like their head is clouded. Others feel like their feet are in cement.
If you find yourself in any of these camps, my wish for you this week is ease. I wish you a space to let the small animal of your body curl up and find it’s creature comfort of easeful rest. I wish you the release of expectations and the acceptance of peace in any moment. I wish for you presence to your needs and allowance to receive them.
And, if you find yourself in the camp of joyful holiday cheer, I wish for you the full expression of all your joy. I wish you access to your favorite people with your favorite recipes and your favorite traditions. I wish you belly laughs and the magic of looking to the night skies; indulging your inner child in the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Santa is real.
For all, I wish for you a return to your favorite self, fueled by love, truth, and belief in miracles.