Balance and Biology: Filling The Ambition Gap with Feminine and Masculine Energy

Kelly Clements • September 7, 2023

Welcome back to the third and final part of this series. In Part 1, we explored Beta, Alpha and Omega Zones on The Relationship Spectrum.

If you are like I was back in 2015, burnt out and teetering on divorce, or experiencing regular bickering and conflict in your love relationship, I invite you to pause every decision and every action before you read the book, Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart. Oh and don’t forget to share it with your partner.

“Why can’t you be exactly who I want you to be?”

If this sentiment is mirrored in your communication with your intimate partner, you are definitely not alone. In this third and final part of our series, we will explore balance and biology. Like so many entrepreneurial couples Kelly has coached over the last eleven years, you too, can transform your relationship.  

Before we dive in, I invite you to learn a bit more about the philosophy behind The Entreprenewer Framework so you have a deeper understanding of the benefits that can come from filling The Ambition Gap with self-leadership.

At the end of this article, I am going to get vulnerable with you and share a personal journal entry I wrote in April of this year before sharing another tool to support you in Growing Your Business Without Growing Apart.

Alright, let’s dig into Kelly’s philosophy a bit.

Every human being leans into different zones that range from unhealthy to healthy in our love relationships. When we enter into an area that is not natural, we feel friction, thus leading to an inauthentic way of being that encourages conflict and polarity between partners.

Rather than stay in the internal and external conflict that friction creates, The Entreprenewer provides a simple, relationship regeneration system.  

Have you heard of The Five Love Languages? While wildly different, the similarity that you will experience with The Entreprenewer is that you and your partner will use a language that helps entrepreneurial couples create synergy, balance and alignment without fighting for it.  

Through a new and natural dialogue that creates actions based on flow rather than force, Omega energy rises up out of the fertile soil of self-leadership.

Kelly takes the complexities that exist in entrepreneurial marriages and love relationships into a model that is ultimately easy to understand, creating two people with clarity and confidence who take action toward closing The Ambition Gap (introduced in Part II).

LISTEN TO KELLY TALK MORE ABOUT How to Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart on I WAS BORN TO DO THIS PODCAST with Speaker, Entrepreneur, Somatic Practitioner and Founder of The Emotional Institute & Creator of Femme!, Keira Brinton.

The magic detox she provides is based on self-leadership first. The Relationship Spectrum has been tried and tested by X amount of entrepreneurial couples. While the outcome is maintaining and expanding love between two people, it is based on the love and care each person gives themself.

Part II of this series stressed the importance of self-care and attention to health and wellbeing as the foundation for the ultimate goal, self-leadership. When we lead ourselves to water or put our masks on first, we are at our highest potential for expansive love.

Kelly is asking you to first understand your energetic motivations and tendencies in your relationship. From there, she helps you identify where you are currently positioned on the spectrum and consider taking meaningful action that opens up the possibility of receiving Omega (introduced in Part I) energy in your relationship.  

In this third and final part of this series, you will understand how to fill The Ambition Gap so you can find balance through a powerful part of your biological makeup.  

Feminine and masculine energy driven by hormones and brain function, is the art of your relationship, the perfect recipe. If you happen to cook, you know that salt and acid neutralize each other. Feminine and Masculine energy behave similarly. Energy balance brings out the most vibrant flavors of your relationship and being off balance will mask them or even make love seem bitter.

When we are in full synergy with the masculine and feminine energy, we are authentic and aligned. Operating through truth and cooperation with our biology, opens our hearts more fully. Opening our hearts more fully, creates more expansive love.  

An open heart shows up differently in different energies. The Relationship Spectrum helps entrepreneurial couples embrace that two people at play in their fullest, authentic energetic balance creates what Kelly calls the 1+1 = 3 energy, broken down in Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart.

Exponential growth and love that goes beyond self through a self-led life is mandatory for Healthy Beta and Healthy Alpha.  

Making noise rather than music from your individual mix of feminine and masculine energy is far too common. It does not have to be this way.

Often due to various factors including societal norms, nurture, conditioning, culture, religious or spiritual beliefs and other outside factors, we often don’t realize that unhealthy patterns due to outside forces become unhealthily internalized over time.  

The framework for entrepreneurial couples that Kelly Clements has created at The Entreprenewer is not asking to abandon your belief system.  

You can release yourself from constraints through heart-centered communication and action.

This is the full premise of Kelly’s methodology and I am thrilled that you are continuing to read along. Have you subscribed to The Entreprenewer Newsletter? Subscribe here to our newsletter.

Beta and Alpha are ultimately metaphors for our feminine and masculine energetic and hormonal biology. To be clear, this is not male and female. Stress is managed differently based on biological sex but every man and every woman have different levels of hormones that lend to feminine and masculine energy.

People who were born male, use testosterone dominance to manage stress and those born female use their estrogen dominance to manage stress. Differences in activation display how these two hormones show up in varying degrees, healthy and unhealthy.  

Beta and Alpha positioning on The Relationship Spectrum are representative of feminine and masculine energies. Beta, being feminine and Alpha, representing masculine.  

As you might recall in Part I of this series, I described the Alpha force that both Kelly and I used with our husbands that backfired, leaving us frustrated enough to leave our marriages. We confused trying to verbally force them into being more of what we wanted with being motivating. We were in Unhealthy Alpha territory and it felt completely unnatural.

It wasn’t until both of us divorced that we saw our ex spouses in their full power. Unhealthy Alpha is overbearing and suffocating. Even though I now admit (in Part II of this series) that my greatest power as a leader in my life exists in Healthy Beta, my masculine energy still exists and comes out to play. Still, I take notice if that Unhealthy version of Alpha is showing up and now, with this language, I recognize it and course correct so as not to remain in that position.

Beta is not weak while Alpha is strong. Both carry extraordinary leadership qualities that simply show up differently. The world needs more Omega, the synergy between the two, so we can all break free from Unhealthy Alpha overpowering our individual strengths and compromising Self to the point of powerlessness.

You can create the energy balance the world needs in the context of your love relationship. As an entrepreneurial couple, this overflows into your business and flushes your entire life system with green, lush Omega fields.  

Now that you understand the Alpha, Beta, Omega Framework, the importance of health and wellbeing as a foundation for self-leadership and the biology of balancing masculine and feminine energy, you can take concerted action toward transforming your love relationship.

There are many tools and techniques that The Entreprenewer uses in couples coaching that include the Alpha Beta Assessment from Part I of this Series and the 10×10 (What Makes Life Work) List in Part II.

“A great relationship starts with being willing to meet a need that isn’t yours.”

There are so many great tools to help entrepreneurial couples meet individual goals through The Presence Principles that Kelly outlines in Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to The Entreprenewer Newsletter to receive more article series and posts with tools, techniques and concepts that help you thrive in the context of your love relationship so you can grow your business with the love and support that both of you crave.

Subscribe here to The Newsletter

As a writer, I use journaling as a tool that helps me find clarity and create the life of my design. A big part of that is staying true to what I want, without compromise, in love.

I invite you to set a timer for 7 minutes and write LOVE a letter.

If Love has no face, what would it sound like and feel like? How would it show up energetically? You likely have the answers because you have experienced it already. This exercise helps you recapture that energy and use it going forward.

Here is an excerpt from one of my journal entries, a letter to love.

“It feels real and authentic to me to invite you to experience all I have to give because that is the only way the true you and me, together and separately, will exist in love. I offer you a creative, adventurous life, delicious and healthy food and mountains to climb with wild enthusiasm. You exist in days filled with laughter and conversations. We connect through our eyes at the intersection where my high energy meets your calm character. We are together and separate at all times to cultivate independence and trust. I invite you to feel my courageousness so we can face our fears and move through hardships knowing that is the only way to grow exponentially.”

I encourage you to do this with your partner and exchange letters so you can absorb what the other person needs and can lend to arrive at Omega.

Purchase a copy of Kelly’s book, Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart.

The Entreprenewer uses a revolutionary approach that gears business tools and concepts toward entrepreneurial couples in a safe environment, giving both parties neutral territory to explore new personal frontiers so they can integrate the success of their business with success in their personal relationships.

Are you an entrepreneurial couple in need of private coaching? Schedule a consultation with Kelly. Stephanie Fee Maschek is a writer, Ghostwriter, Entrepreneur and Certified Master Health Coach who enthusiastically helps leaders who want to do big things, make bold moves, so they can ascend to their full potential.

By Kelly Clements August 30, 2023
Part II in a III-part series inspiring you to Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart. Written by Stephanie Fee for The Entreprenewer The burnout that I experienced back in 2015, explained in Part I of this Series, culminated in the end of my marriage and simultaneously, it was the start of an extraordinary journey of self-leadership supported by compassion for self and others in the form of placing my wellbeing...Keep Reading The post Self-Leadership: How to arrive at Healthy Alpha and Healthy Beta appeared first on Kelly.
By Kelly Clements August 18, 2023
Part I in a III-part series inspiring you to Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart. Written by Stephanie Fee for The Entreprenewer “Where do you want to go for dinner,” he would ask me. “What movie do you want to watch?” he would inquire as we spent what felt like an hour sifting through Netflix, struggling to make a final decision, nearly falling asleep in the process. “Please choose a...Keep Reading The post The Relationship Spectrum: Are you an Alpha or Beta? appeared first on Kelly.
By Kelly Clements June 8, 2022
Sometimes we grow faster than people’s perceptions of us! If you’ve ever gone through a life experience so big that it changed you, you probably know what it’s like to be PASTCASTED. Or, maybe you’ve grown slowly, one decision at a time, yet still evolving faster than other’s perceptions of you.⁠⁠You know how frustrating it is to have grown into a new person, yet you’re still treated as a version...Keep Reading The post Are you pastcasting? appeared first on Kelly.
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